Determination of external influences

This involves the development of a protocol where external environmental influences will be determined depending on the safe operation of electrical equipment.

Currently, it is essential for an electrical equipment inspection technician to have two key documents available for conducting an inspection. This is the project documentation of electrical equipment and a protocol on the determination of external influences. The requirements are set primarily by the regulation of the government of the Czech Republic, specifically NV No. 190/2022 Coll. Without these two documents, it is not possible to carry out a revision check. The inspection technician must verify whether the electrical installation is in accordance with the project documentation and determination of effects, which is stipulated in particular in section 7 of the aforementioned government regulation. If you do not have these documents, there are ways to find them. You can look for them in your archive or at the building office, where it is possible to obtain copies of these documents. If you don't succeed even there, the only option is to have the documents drawn up based on the actual execution and determination of the effects. If you need, we are ready to prepare and secure these documents for you. Just send us your questions by e-mail and after obtaining the necessary information about the required scope, we will prepare a price offer and we can start the implementation. By creating these two documents, as required by the aforementioned law, you will have peace of mind in the future.


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