Price list

The services offered are provided at prices that are contractually agreed and vary according to how demanding, extensive and voluminous the work is.

Electrical repairs

Fault diagnosis

1200 Kč / hodina

Bug fix

1000 Kč / hodina

Connection and installation of electrical appliances

CZK 1,390 / Piece


Apartment - revision of the electrical installation, revision of the switchboard

from CZK 2,000,- to CZK 3,000

Family house - revision of electrical installation, revision of electrical switchboards

from CZK 2,500 to CZK 5,500

Audit of companies, administration, warehouses, production halls, residential buildings

according to price list 58-M ÚRS Praha a.s.

Revision of lightning rods

from CZK 500 / lead-down wire (min. CZK 2,000)

Elaboration of the audit report

CZK 1,200

Revision of electric hand tools and electrical appliances up to 25 pcs.

flat rate of CZK 2,000

Revision of electric hand tools and electrical appliances

40 – 80 CZK for 1 piece / according to quantity

Travel expenses

Travel expenses outside Prague

paušálně 500 Kč

Cestovné mimo Prahu

CZK 12 / km


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